10 Reasons Why Software Development Projects Fail

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Software development projects

We live in the age of technology and Artificial Intelligence. Software Development projects are born to the need of coping up with the high tide of Information and Technology changes worldwide. Basically software is a set of instructions and commands formed to initiate ease in your daily transactions. Once you go computerized, software would be a backbone for all transactions. Software development projects are running widely for catering needs of wide variety of customers who need software for their business. A large number of companies offer software development services. Such software development customization is trending and software development companies in USA delivers desired results suitably.

What is software development project? What does it includes?

Well developers say it’s an art! Software development is basically a process of designing a set of instructions followed by provided information to fulfill desired tasks. Was that heavy? Let us simplify it.

So it goes like this. Software development projects are based on a thinking process. It is more of a brain storming rather. It starts with the inception of an idea followed by a reality check, blueprinting, testing, and eliminating errors. After all these steps software will go on floor and will be tested for real by the end users. So, software development companies hire tech geniuses to do this work for them whom we call software developers!

Software development projects include the following.

  1. Need of a General or Customized software
  2. Analyzing the requirements for the same
  3. Checking all the nitty-gritty for the software
  4. Blueprint and design
  5. Programming
  6. Testing
  7. Safeguarding

Some results of research say that almost 75% of the developers admits that they knew that the project is or will be “doomed” sooner or later. Only 1/3rd of the projects get completed on time and in budget. But the question is, why so? Why the software development projects fail?

Reasons why software development projects fail?

Software development companies in USA has found out that most of the reasons behind the software development project failure are quite common or general. Many Offshore software development project companies are taking advantage of in house software development project failures. So here are the reasons behind failure of software development projects.

Unrealistic timeline

We fear to say “no” to a client and hence accept their unrealistic deadline for the project delivery. Be it a custom software development company or an offshore software development company, client is considered as king and developers don’t deny them. Software development takes time as it is a process of brainstorming. It requires time to deliver quality. Forcing developers to abide to an unrealistic timeline will ultimately deteriorate the quality and the project would be a failure then.

Lack of team spirit and motivation

Poor team management many also result into the failure of the project. It is all about SWOT analysis of your team and you are through as a project manager. Negligence to training and needs of team mates results in poor work performance and lack of motivation to excel in what you are working on. Software development project companies in USA believes that investing in training will give better and timely results. 

Lack of resources

At the time of estimating the project requirement if the required attention is not paid or budget is not provided, the developers will be helpless. Listen to your client’s requirements and understand them. Don’t promise what you can’t deliver. Planning with all the departments may avoid the chances of scarcity of resources.

Lack of understanding

What if developers are not clear about the requirements of client? While providing Software development services or a Custom Software development you need to be clear with the client requirements. It is necessary to have a session with your team of developers and communicating them what exactly the project is all about and what will be necessary to avoid failure.

Unjustified Budget

Be it an onshore or offshore software development money matters the most. After analyzing the requirements of a project adequate budget has to be allotted to ensure quality of work. Money is the ultimate motivation and sufficient budget improves work ethics of team members.

Error in communication

While many confess their weakness and needs, most would prefer to say silent. In such case due to lack of trust in internal communication, team members hesitate to convey their problems while developing a project. Again poor communication eternally with client creates confusion for developers. Lack of communication is one of the biggest reasons behind software development project.

Improper Testing

Testing is integral part of any software. Before the software going on floor for real testing it is quite necessary. Testing leads to an exact idea of how the software will work! Again, one can eliminate any error if found during testing to reduce chances of Software failure.

Poor Security Measures

Hackers are everywhere and poor security measure will generate hacking issues in any software development project. Having a secured server will save you from spoofing and malware attacks. Data thefts are quite common and can even lead you to a legal trouble sometimes. Security measures are quite strict in any software development project companies in USA as rules and regulations are quite rigid when it comes to theft to privacy.

Obstructive Senior Management

Something which is faced by every developer is resistance and denial from senior management. Sometimes a rigid management and project manager avoid the problems of team and it ultimately leads to dissatisfaction. Again pressurizing them for unreal timelines and that to with inadequate budget adds oil to the fire. Teams often feel divested while working with such management and it results into Software development project failure.

Vague Project Requirement Analysis

Most onshore or offshore software development projects fail due to this reason only. Planning in initial stages of software development is essential and any confusion here leads to disaster. Requirement analysis will help the developers to have insights about the needs of client. What to do to make the software scalable for future requirements? What will be the key testing areas? Such questions will be easily answered if the Requirement analysis is done right.

To sum up

Many companies offer custom software development onshore and offshore too. For reducing the chances of failure the software developers has to be assured about their capabilities and everything else will fall in place. A push and a pat on back by senior management will add cherry on the cake. Follow the industry standards and adhere to realistic timelines for a successful software development project.

Skynet Technologies USA LLC is a specialized software development company in Nevada offering custom software development services for diverse industry sectors. We have a team of young and dedicated developers having years of expertise in providing simple to complex software development services adhered to the highest quality standards and clean codebase. Our software developer services are available in the USA, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Worldwide.

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