Complete Guide to enhance the speed of your Bagisto Ecommerce Store!

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Bagisto Ecommerce

The performance of your ecommerce store is a vital benchmark of your business success. The speed with which your pages load and get displayed decides the visitor behaviour on your Bagisto ecommerce store. Depending on the speed, your website visitor either makes a purchase or leaves even before taking a look at your offering. Bagisto's architecture, libraries, and packages undoubtedly build stunning websites with a well-written, structured code. However, even if your Bagisto store is performing at an optimal speed, remember, in a highly competitive web space, there’s always room for improvement.

Performance optimization may seem easier but it’s tough to know where to start when there could be many possible aspects to optimize in your code. A Laravel expert can immediately find out the issues and makes minor tweaks to boost up the speed which automatically results in sales increment. But if they have no clue or if they have touched the wrong things, God, that gets really frustrating, and it takes forever to fix the issue. So, the key here is to find out a professional who reduces the turnaround time and doesn’t hurt your conversions.

In this guide, we’ve collated what one could do to improve the speed of your Bagisto ecommerce store. It walks you through the most important optimization techniques for your Bagisto store to fetch more customers, make more sales, and recover the lost revenue from abandoning visitors.

How to make your Bagisto ecommerce store deliver a phenomenal speed?

Here are some of the measures that will help improve your ecommerce store's speed and performance. So, buckle up to know-how.

1. Upgrade to the latest version

Your Bagisto ecommerce should be updated to the latest version regularly. Updates are meant to fix bugs, enhance the performance, and a whole new stack of out-of-the-box features will be provided. New features and functionality you get from the Bagisto updates reduce the need to install more extensions and plugins. So, it is always better to run the latest Bagisto V1.3.2 version.

2. Optimal Configuration

The following software and hardware configuration is recommended for the optimal performance of your Bagisto shop.

  • Os - Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or Higher / Windows 7 or Higher (WAMP/XAMPP)
  • Server - Apache 2 or NGINX
  • RAM - 2 GB or Higher
  • Processor - Clock Cycle 1 GHz or Higher
  • Minimum 2 Core CPU
  • PHP - 7.2 or Higher
  • MySql - 5.7.23 or Higher
  • For MariaDB users - 10.2.7 or Higher
  • Node - 8.11.3 LTS or Higher
  • Composer - 1.6.5 or Higher

3. PHP Updates and DB Optimization

As mentioned above, you need to upgrade to the latest compatible PHP version as Bagisto is powered by a PHP interpreter. The latest version of PHP runs much faster than the earlier versions. Your system administrator should be able to update to deliver high performance. Also, there is always some content that needs to be optimized, be it cleaning up the unused tables or building indexes for quicker entry and retrieval.

4. Minification of Assets

You might be having an enormous file size as you compile all properties into a single location and your Bagisto application will be deprived of the benefits of the proposed compilation. For this sake, one can use the Laravel Mix to minify the assets like HTML, CSS, JSS, images, and many more to perform all Mix tasks. Minifying these assets results in faster retrieval which results in improved Bagisto store performance.

5. CDN implementation to deliver static assets

The performance of Bagisto could be boosted by loading files of static assets from the CDN server. Whenever someone visits your website, they serve information from the nearest CDN area which loads the web page faster and offers higher performance. You need to characterize the static resources on a specific application like HTML, CSS, JS, images, and so forth. For now, Bagisto supports Cloudflare CDN.

6. Apache Compression

Apace comes with two compression options mod deflate - Standard one and easy to set up as well Mod_gzip - Powerful and can pre-compress content in either case, Apache usually checks if the browser sent the "Accept encoding" header and returns compressed or regular file versions. Some older browsers may have trouble doing this, but with special directives, you can add to correct it. By doing so, you are making a significant difference in your performance.

7. Image Optimization

Ecommerce stores are usually loaded up with high-quality product images and description videos. So, media optimization is essential to speed up the loading of your store. You can use techniques and tools such as Photoshop or any other tool to compact and optimize the images. By serving suitably sized images, you can boost your website performance, especially on mobile devices.

8. Leverage Caching

We knew how web browsers keep images, CSS, JS locally and one can leverage this browser caching to boost up your website speed. The web browsers will then download fewer data while the users navigate through the pages. This improves the website’s loading speed. You can implement this for Apache servers by adding a small snippet to the .htaccess file.

9. Lazy Loading

Bagisto uses Eloquent ORM to easily map your object models to the database tables. While Eloquent treats the DB interactions the solution is still lazy loading. So Eloquent never gets the data back unless it is referenced elsewhere in the code. Having additional queries decrease the performance, hence set queries to Lazy loading. This makes any associated object models to be retrieved upon a query call.

10. Error Details

The app. debug configuration option present in your config/app.php file controls the application error details displayed through the browser. The app.debug configuration option is set to respect the APP_DEBUG environment variable in your .env file by default. So, for local development, you should set this variable to true and to false as you go into the production environment.


As mentioned, efficiency and speed measure the success of your Bagisto ecommerce store. A typical website visitor expects to load your web pages in seconds without which, you will lose a huge chunk of traffic and consequentially your profits as well. So, with the aforementioned steps provided in this guide, you can ensure that your Bagisto application delivers high performance that provides your business with greater speed, security, and reliability. Skynet Technologies can help you with any sort of questions regarding Bagisto store development. You can contact us here for more details.

Skynet Technologies help to build and scale your Ecommerce business with Bagisto open-source Laravel Ecommerce platform with a wide range of functionality. As Solution Partner of Bagisto We strive to help you deliver the best digital experiences to your customers and take your business to the next level. Whether you want Bagisto development, Laravel Bagisto Migration, integrate any application, redesign your Bagisto store, require new features development, or real-time support and maintenance for your store, you are at the right place! We’re happy to help you out.

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