Drupal 10 is Coming Soon! How to Get Prepared?

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Drupal 10

Drupal is serving as one of the best open-source platforms for around 20 years. You might have been using Drupal for a while and are aware of its performance. To ensure security, safety, and consistent performance, the Drupal community have decided to release its new version Drupal 10, this year in 2022. The release is expected in august 2022, with a fallback date in December 2022. If due to any technical issue, the Drupal community won’t be able to release Drupal 10 in August, the release might get delayed till December 2022.

So, which version are you using currently?

If you are on Drupal 9, it will not be a significant overhaul for you because Drupal 10 is more or less like Drupal 9 with a few increased functionalities. All the minor releases till Drupal 9.4 will support the previous version. So, the situation is in favor of developers. They have time to respond and update as per the API changes that will happen periodically.

By updating with new minor patches, ultimately, you will make your website ready for the final Drupal 10 release. Likewise, you have switched from Drupal 8 to 9, and it was not tough due to the continuous innovation model. The modules and extensions became compatible with the new version quickly. The same technique is used in the Drupal 9 to 10 upgrade.

Though it will not be tedious work, but your current Drupal website or application needs to be ready for the same. Let’s know what is new in Drupal 10 and how to get prepared for its release?

What will be new in Drupal 10?

Drupal 10 will have some quality includes making the platform more efficient. It will not be a comprehensive overhaul, yet it will increase the platform’s overall functionality with new features.

  • Layout builder and media functionality will be more efficient with some improvements.
  • Improvised decoupled developer and site builder experience mainly for menu and URL handling.
  • CKEditor 5 will replace CKEditor 4 to provide the best authoring experience and modern editing tools.
  • jQuery will get replaced by modern JavaScript components.
  • Symfony 6 will take the place of Symfony 4, and PHP 8.1 will be being required to keep system secure.
  • Theme Starkit tools will be included for bespoke theme creation.
  • Claro administration theme (replacing Seven) and Olivero default theme (replacing Bartik) will be added in front-end.

These are the significant updates Drupal 10 will be having. With all the latest updates, the Drupal 10 platform will become more accessible, and performance driven. Newly added tools will surely increase your working experience with Drupal. These updates will make the platform more user-friendly, innovative, and providing flexible digital experience.

How to get prepared for the Drupal 10 release?

The preparation will depend on what version your website is currently running.

Drupal 7: Drupal 7 will reach its end-of-life by January 5, 2025. If your website is still on Drupal 7, then it is recommended you should upgrade from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 now. By upgrading, you will ensure that your website has all the latest compatible features and security measures. Switching from Drupal 9 to Drupal 10 will be much easier than upgrading from Drupal 7 to 10. Though Drupal 10 will have some tools to upgrade from Drupal 7 to 10 yet, to avoid any complications, update to Drupal 9.

Drupal 8: There is a high possibility that maximum users have switched their websites from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9 because Drupal 8 has already reached its end-of-life in November 2021. Use Drupal Upgrade Status to analyze your website. But if still, you are on Drupal 8, then update to Drupal 9 as soon as possible for the easier upgrade to Drupal 10 and security of your website.

Drupal 9: No need to worry if you are using Drupal 9. You are in the best position to update to Drupal 10. Just keep up to date with the version releases and perform regular maintenance of your website.

Keeping yourself ready for Drupal 10 will make the update process faster because of the compatible tools and modules availability.

What is the difference between Drupal 9 and Drupal 10?

Rather than going for a complete code overhaul, Drupal community have decided to build Drupal 10 as a refined version of Drupal 9 with newly added functionalities. All the minor patches till Drupal 9.4.0 will release by mid-2022, and hopefully, Drupal 10 will release in August 2022. These minor patches will help your current applications become compatible for Drupal 10.

Before Drupal 10 upgrade, it’s necessary to remove the deprecated codes and update the dependencies. For example, Drupal 10 will be replacing CKEditor 4 to CKEditor 5; while Drupal 9 is purposed to introduce CKEditor 5 as an optional add-on and keeping CKEditor 4 as it is.

You are very much aware of the process since you have updated your website to Drupal 8 to 9. This time you have to follow the same process.

Drupal 10 is similar to Drupal 9; it is a more evolved and efficient version of Drupal 9. See the difference between Drupal 9 and Drupal 10.

Are you ready for Drupal 10?

The Drupal 10 release announcement has created a buzz among the developers and Drupal community. Drupal 10 release is inevitable, and it will happen in 2022 only. If website performance and safety are your concern, make your site ready for the new version. Sticking to the outdated version will only make your site vulnerable.

To make easier upgrade to future versions of Drupal, we recommend performing Drupal 9 migration if it has not done yet.

Migrating or upgrading a website or application can be a challenging and time-consuming task. We have the right industry experience, right Drupal developers and proven methodology to deliver seamless Drupal migration and Drupal upgrade services. We provide Drupal migration from Drupal 6 to Drupal 9, Drupal 7 to Drupal 8, Drupal 8 to 9, and Drupal 7 to 9. We have an in-house and experienced team of dedicated Drupal developers to manage simple to complex tasks in a defined time. Contact us at [email protected] or submit the following request free quote form to know more about our Drupal migration or development services.