Top 10 Support Programs for disabled Children-Brazil

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Special needs children support programs Brazil

1. AACD (Association for Assistance to Disabled Children)

  • Focus: AACD was born from the desire of Dr. Renato da Costa Bomfim, an orthopedic specialist, to contribute to improving the quality of life of people with physical disabilities in Brazil. AACD helps the people of Brazil of all ages who are suffering from physical disabilities.
  • Website:
  • Headquarter: Av. Professor Ascendino Reis, 724, Ibirapuera, São Paulo SP, Brazil

2. AMR

  • Focus: The Minas Gerais Rehabilitation Association (AMR) has been operating since 1964. This non-profit institution offers free, high-quality interdisciplinary treatment to children and adolescents with physical disabilities in situations of social vulnerability.
  • Website:
  • Headquarter: Rua Prof. Otávio Coelho de Magalhães, 111 – Mangabeiras, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais MG, Brazil


  • Focus: The Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (IMREA) offers multidisciplinary rehabilitation, providing improvements in quality of life and autonomy.The IMREA rehabilitation program enables the patient to achieve the highest degree of physical, functional independence and autonomy permitted by their degree of disability, using therapeutic resources.
  • Website:
  • Headquarter: Rua Particular – Portão 3 do Inrad, São Paulo SP, Brazil

4. Apabb

  • Focus: Apabb - Association of Parents, Friends and People with Disabilities, Employees of Banco do Brazil, and the Community is a non-profit institution, with a certificate of philanthropy and public utility, focused on the inclusion and quality of life of people with disabilities and supporting their families.
  • Website:
  • Headquarter: Libero Badaró Street, No. 318 - 7th floor, Sao Paulo SP, Brazil

5. Casa de David

  • Focus: Casa de David, a non-profit organization, caring for and assisting people with intellectual and physical disabilities and autism, most of whom are needy and abandoned, generating quality of life, dignity, love and respect.
  • Website:
  • Headquarter: Rod. Fernão Dias, Km 82 - Parque Edu Chaves, São Paulo SP, Brazil

6. Karina Sampaio

  • Focus: The Karina Sampaio Association is helping the disabled children of Igarapé Grande and support their families. In one of the poorest regions of Brazil, there is a living reality that restores hope to many disabled children by offering care, food and physical-educational activities.
  • Website:
  • Headquarter: Igarapé Grande, Maranhão, Brazil


  • Focus: ADERE is a non-profit organization that has been providing specialized, humane and highly qualified care to people with intellectual disabilities since 1972. They serve people with different desires and challenges and support them in their first steps on a new path.
  • Website:
  • Headquarter: Rua Contos Gauchescos, 86, Vila Santa Catarina - São Paulo SP, Brazil

8. Abrace – Brazilian Association for Adolescents and Special Children

  • Focus: Abrace is a non-profit institution founded in 1989, and its purpose is to provide comprehensive care to young people and adults with intellectual disabilities.
  • Website:
  • Headquarter: R. Princesa Isabel, 548 - Cidade Monções, São Paulo - SP, Brazil

9. The Sister Clara Fraternity – FIC

  • Focus: FIC's purpose is to provide shelter, treatment, rehabilitation and social inclusion to its residents, who have been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy to its most diverse degrees.
  • Website:
  • Headquarter: 855 - Barra Funda - Sao Paulo, Brazil

10. The Solar Ita Wegman

  • Focus: The Solar Ita Wegman Association is a non-profit civil society organization founded on February 2, 2008, dedicated to serving children, youth and adults with disabilities and/or in social vulnerability.
  • Website:
  • Headquarter: João Alex Street, 269, Bom Pastor Garden, Campo Magro, Paraná PR, Brazil

Why is All in One Accessibility an ideal fit for Support programs for disabled children in Brazil?

These organizations provide critical support services to disabled children and their families across Brazil, promoting inclusion, advocacy, and specialized care.

Non-profit organizations and support groups for children with disabilities are essential in providing care, education, and resources. Ensure your organization’s digital presence reflects this mission by improving your website’s accessibility with the All in One Accessibility according to Brazilian Inclusion Law (LBI 13.146/2015) making it easier for children with disabilities and their families to access the support they need. Equip your website to serve everyone and strengthen its impact by integrating All in One Accessibility - because inclusivity starts with access.

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