Top Search Engine Optimization Tips to boom the growth of your Business Website after Coronavirus crises

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
search engine optimization

COVID-19 - the most brutal pandemic of the century had a negative impact on the world economy. No industry has remained untouched with the repercussions of COVID-19. They have been impacted either directly or indirectly. From the past few days, the situation is becoming a bit normal and everyone is looking for the best marketing strategies to attract new customers in this climate of chaos. People are constantly using the Internet and it opens the door for digital marketing and the best digital marketing tip is the proper search engine optimization (SEO). This blog will give provide you Online Marketing Tips; Search Engine Optimization tips in particular.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the technique used by web developers or designers to increase the ranking of their websites and thus enhancing the visibility of your webpage.

The best Search Engine Optimization Tips are:

Developing a strong site structure

1. Developing a strong site structure - A user-friendly site structure always attracts more users than any other website. The easier it is to navigate around the site, the user will have a better experience. Indexing the content is a key factor to consider for better navigation.

Ensuring the mobile-friendly site

2. Ensuring the mobile-friendly site - With the advancement in mobile technology, people tend to use the Internet on their mobile phones more than any other device. So providing a mobile-friendly site to users is very crucial. Selecting mobile-friendly themes and plugins improves the mobile-friendliness of your website.

If you are seeking to improve the mobile-friendliness of your website, you can take Google's mobile-friendliness test and make changes according to the result.

Optimizing site speed

3. Optimizing site speed - In this fast-moving world, no-one wants to wait for too long. If your website takes a long time to load, then the visitors will not be satisfied. Increased load time has a negative impact on time-on-site and bounce rate which as a result negatively impacts the SEO of your site.

Using HTTPs

4. Using HTTPs - Websites using https are benefited from minor ranking boost. It is also confirmed by Google. So, using https, without any doubt, improves your SEO.

Stick either with WWW or non- WWW

5. Stick either with WWW or non- WWW - In terms of SEO, they have no impact but search engines classify both of them as separate entities, and domains with instances of both will be considered two different websites.

Improving indexability

6. Improving indexability - Improving the indexability of your webpage improves its SEO score in return. If you don't want any webpage to appear on the search result, the 'index' option of meta robots tag could prove useful.

Adding a site map

7. Adding a site map - Adding a site map to your website increases the SEO score. An up-to-date site map assists the search engine with indexing. Yoast SEO plugin could come in handy for creating an XML sitemap.

Developing a keyword strategy

8. Developing a keyword strategy - Using particular keywords is a well-known strategy for targeting a specific audience. Add primary and secondary keywords around a particular search term into the main location of the website. It impacts the SEO score significantly.

Creating quality content

9. Creating quality content - Better content is appreciated by the visitors. Try to provide relevant content and stick to it. Try avoiding the forceful use of keyword and avoid hiding the text behind images. Your content should be interesting and it should keep the visitors engaged. Try to form a long-form content. There is a direct relationship between content length and its ranking. Content between 1800-2000 words yields the best results. There are chances of attracting more backlinks in large content which proves really beneficial for SEO. Adding multimedia also have a positive impact on your webpage's SEO. Avoid using duplicate content.

Optimizing the title and meta description tags

10. Optimizing the title and meta description tags - Title and meta description tags play a vital role to encourage the users to click through your website from the search results. To maximize the effectiveness of these tags, try to use relevant and interesting keywords.

Optimizing H1 header tag

11. Optimizing H1 header tag - H1 tag has a large impact on the SEO ranking and it is of utmost importance to use this tag in a great way. It is the first thing that the visitor to your website will notice so it should be attractive. Including keywords and keeping it similar to the title tag yields the best result.

A network of internal links

12. A network of internal links - Building a network of the internal link helps the distribution of link juice throughout the webpage. For a better SEO score, internal links should be used wherever necessary.

Encouraging comments

13. Encouraging comments - Providing an option to comment on your content is a great way to attract visitors' attention and it gives a boost to your SEO score in numerous ways. It not only increases the content length but also provides additional information to the reader.

Providing users what they need

14. Providing users what they need - Identifying the needs of the users and providing it to them is the most important aspect of marketing strategy. If you cannot offer the users what they are looking for then you cannot compete in the market.

Improve FAQ Section

15. Improve FAQ Section - Including the FAQ section improves your SEO score but only if it is structured properly. It will be of no use if it is not visible or the visitor cannot navigate through it. FAQ section gives a sense of satisfaction to the visitor.

Re-evaluating search behaviour

16. Re-evaluating search behaviour - A large fraction of the SEO score depends on search behaviour. It is the key component of and it has to be evaluated thoroughly.

Assess the use of structured data

17. Assess the use of structured data - Structured data is also known as schema mark-up. It provides the context of the content to improve the search engine. It can also be used to add stars which improve the look of your content.

These are the steps to give a boom the growth of your business website. There is no denying the fact that we have been affected negatively by COVID crises but some companies like the Zoom app have managed to make the best out of it and earn a fortune. They were right on point to understand the need of the public and provided services accordingly. Now the lockdown has been lifted and it's the to work in order to reach out to the public, recognizing their need and provide them services accordingly and also to make a little profit.


Let’s Find out and Discover More Opportunities for Your Business Website! Click the button below and we would get back to you with a brief SEO audit of your website.


Google is consistently improving and updating the search algorithms and so it is really important to keep the website updated with the latest changes in Search engine algorithms. Our dedicated and skilled SEO professionals spend hours to understand the changes happened with Google ranking and refine the SEO strategy to keep your business going forward. Our experienced team of Digital Marketing and SEO consultant have over 19 years of expertise in developing a result-oriented SEO strategy to get higher ranking and make your business stand out from the crowd. We always strive to remain updated to the latest SEO updates to keep the website or app Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engine approved. We have a bunch of creative and qualified internet marketing professionals having years of expertise and capability in developing the right strategy for SEO, Social Media Optimization, SMM, SEM, PPC, Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing, Content Marketing, Google Shopping and more to hit the millions of minds!