Why SEO Maintenance is crucial to keep your business running smoothly?

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
SEO Maintenance

Every business’ end-goal remains the same, to be a top-ranked website on search engines like Google. This is for valid reasons, isn’t it? When more than 90% of users’ go-to place remains search engines for any sort of digital experience and the top-ranked websites on Google driving more than 30% of organic traffic, SEO remains pivotal! Businesses are hence investing in SEO to be numero uno and grab the users’ eyeballs by ranking in the search traffic. However, SEO is not a one-time process. It is an ongoing process and routine SEO maintenance helps your business to deliver a consistently smooth experience.

But what is SEO maintenance and how does that help you build a resilient business strategy? Come on in, let’s delve into the details.

What is SEO Maintenance?

SEO Maintenance is a routine process of maintaining and improving your rankings on the search engine page results by constantly getting better at your SEO strategy. You can have either a weekly, quarterly, or monthly set of SEO tasks to test everything is intact and there are no such things that jeopardize your SEO score like outdated content, broken links, dip in the page speed, inaccessibility, etc.

What entails SEO Maintenance tasks?

Some of the things you can focus on are -

  1. Optimize the content quality for better community & social media engagement.
  2. Tweak title tags and meta descriptions for increased conversions.
  3. Keep an eye on the technical aspects of your website.
  4. Conduct regular SEO audits to identify the loopholes and fix them.
  5. Improve the website performance to load faster.
  6. Keep up with the structured markup for videos and other supported content.
  7. Fix the broken links, disavow spammy backlinks, and provide URL redirects.
  8. Apply new keywords apt for your product or service for staying relevant in the market.
  9. Brainstorming on ideas of how to attract new customers by optimizing evergreen content and creating relevant links.
  10. Perform UX and responsive checks.
  11. Look at the Analytics to monitor any changes in the organic traffic.
  12. Look at the new competitors and their backlinks for cooking up better strategies.

Why do we need SEO Maintenance?

1. Your Search Rankings are not set in stone!

Gaining a spot on the first page of Google results is a promising element in driving traffic but it is not something etched in stone! You may wake up to utter shock one morning to see your top-ranked website nowhere if you do not pay constant effort. There is an intense competition out there to take over your place and you blink, it’s gone. Hence you might need to focus on SEO maintenance.

Make SEO maintenance a core part of your ad strategy to retain your place and push back the competition. Keep updating your page content, fix any broken links, improve the performance of your website, and more. If you remain relevant and valuable to your users, chances of retaining your place do remain optimistic.

Any relaxation here would drop your rankings and you find your website ends up on the 2nd page of the search results. And do you know what people funnily say about Page 2 - “The best place to hide a dead body is page 2 of Google!”. It gets only 6% of clicks!! That’s how less it is when compared to page 1.

2. Hyper-competitive space

SEO is an ongoing battle. There are no clear winners and losers. Anyone who puts in the constant effort is not only going to emerge out as a winner but also retain the top spot for a longer time. Many businesses that skipped SEO maintenance saw a great dip in their rankings and some even went into oblivion. Hence, more and more companies are now investing ample resources in SEO maintenance. If you want to withstand the competition, drive traffic, sales, and revenue to your website, don’t make SEO maintenance an afterthought.

If you wish to rank consistently well on search results, maintain your site as well as strategy. Regular SEO maintenance that includes multiple things helps you to retain a top spot.

3. Ever-changing Search engine algorithms

Google constantly updates the search engine algorithms and if your website doesn’t go for these improvements, you may lose your place pretty soon! For instance, Google switched to Mobile responsive websites, and businesses that have been building responsive websites are rewarded and those that are not being penalized. SEO maintenance also entails embracing constant updates and doesn’t make your website vulnerable to competition by helping you upgrade.

Recently, Google has rolled out Core Web Vitals where speed is another ranking factor, and updating your search algorithm pumps up your lead generation efforts and boosts your sales. You can stay competitive by embracing the updates for boosting your website traffic.

4. SEO is a long-term strategy

Unlike paid advertising which reaps results immediately, SEO is a long-term strategy. It is not possible to see the expected returns immediately. Continuous SEO maintenance is the best way to deliver the best results. You cannot treat SEO as an invest-and-forget strategy. It is long-term discipline when compared to other SEO Tips. So, by focusing on the crucial SEO tasks, you can improve your search rankings.

Closing Thoughts

SEO maintenance efforts depend on the size and complexity of your website. In case, if you do not have the proficiency or bandwidth to allot resources to SEO maintenance, you can approach SEO service company that can formulate a strategy and maintain it for you to keep your website on Page 1 of Google rankings.

Skynet Technologies has a team of SEO professionals who follow a well-defined and structured checklist for helping you reach your SEO goals. With a solid plan and execution, we put you in a comfortable place to land up in the top results of search engine page results. We keep track of the SEO maintenance tasks and metrics as we stay on top of the latest SEO trends. We lay down the scope depending on the website size and business benchmarks like sustainable rankings.