Joomla 5 has been released with new enhancements!
By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
Joomla 5

Joomla 5 was released on 17th October 2023 after a long process of code sprints and bug fixing. The new version is launched along with Joomla 4.4. Joomla 5 is the major version of this platform that ships along with several new features, security and code enhancements, and many other improvements. You will experience a redesigned and refactored version to work perfectly with the latest server languages.

Well, the good news is; Joomla 4.4 to Joomla 5 is not a migration but it is an upgrade. Joomla 5 had an official release timetable, and it was released on time for its users.

  • Its Alpha 4 release happened on August 22nd, 2023.
  • Beta 1 release was done on September 5th, 2023.
  • Beta 2 was released on September 19th, 2023.
  • Release Candidate – October 3rd, 2023.
  • And final release happened on October 17th, 2023.

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Technical Requirements to start using Joomla 5!

PHP minimum 8.1.0 version is needed; however, it is recommended to upgrade it to version 8.2.

Databases to upgrade:

  • MySQL 8.0.13 version can be used, though Joomla 5 will give best results with MySQL 8.1.
  • Similarly, MariaDB 11.1.0 is suggested, however, version 10.4.0 will also do.
  • PostgreSQL version 16.0 is needed, and the minimum requirement is version 12.0.
  • Web server upgrade is also required:
  • Apache's minimum requirement is 2.4 and recommended version is 2.4.
  • Nginx 1.25 is recommended and 1.21 can be used as well.
  • Microsoft IIS 10 is required.

Try to use the recommended versions for smooth execution of Joomla 5. Although minimum required versions also work perfectly, older versions might not work or create trouble while installing or executing Joomla 5.

What are the new features available in Joomla 5?

  • Web Assets and Caching

    myriad enhancements are done in this section to improve the platform’s overall performance.

  • Code Optimization

    automatic source code optimization via phpcs fixer made noticeable speed improvements.

  • Dark Mode in Administrator

    Joomla 5 for administrators and users both.

  • Integration

    automatic activation of data for organization and site names enhances search engine optimization.

  • User Interface

    the new Joomla model window for the select button and advancements in dark mode for the Atum administrator template ultimately uplift user experience.

  • Media Management

    to handle all media for Joomla 5 websites, there is AVIF support in the media manager and a feature to exclude archived content from smart search indexing has been added.

  • PHP & Bootstrap Updates

    Joomla 5 is compatible with PHP 8+ and Bootstrap 5.3.2, which ensures that the platform stays contemporary due to these latest versions.

  • Tools & Plugins

    the TinyMCE editor is updated to the 6.7 version with added image alignment features. Also, scheduler plugins received many scheduled tasks to enhance system performance.

  • Menu Sorting

    now users will be able to sort the menu the way they want to.

  • Modern Technologies

    internal code is restructured so that more modern APIs can be utilized. JS Import map support is added for Web Asset Manager and deprecated fixes for PHP 8.2.

  • Extensions & Compatibility

    this latest version introduces extensions like Codemirror 6, Fontawesome 6.4, and its Webauthn Library has been also updated.

  • Enhanced Security

    reCAPTCHA plugin is no longer functional and thus removed. Also, events have been migrated to their classes to enhance the security of the platform.

  • Cleaner Code Base

    code cleanliness is one of the profound focuses in Joomla 5. All heavily coded clean-ups are done, es5 support is removed, and older APIs are replaced by new ones to ensure CMS seamless execution.

These advancements will elevate the user experience of the platform and make Joomla 5 a more secure and intuitive version.

Upgrade your website from Joomla 4.x to Joomla 5.x

If your website is already on Joomla 4.x then you may wait for some time and slowly begin upgrading. However, if the website is still running on Joomla 3, it needs to immediately switch to the latest version because Joomla 3 is no longer receiving security updates.

Many extensions of Joomla 4 have removed their deprecated code and using updated code. Thereby that will work perfectly in Joomla 5 while other extensions will work with the new behaviour (Backward Compatibility Plugin enabled).

Read to know more on this.

Joomla 4.4 has no features, but it contains new updates that allow a frictionless upgrade path from Joomla 4.x to 5.x.

Before you start upgrading your existing system, it is advised to test the upgrades on the copy of your production site. Joomla 4.4 will have support for the next 2 years. So, you have ample time to upgrade your current site.

Also, there can be some extensions that are not ready for Joomla 5. Visit the Joomla Extension Directory and check which extensions are Joomla 5 ready and which all need the Backward Compatibility Plugin.

The backward compatibility plugin will enable automatically while using incompatible extensions. And once you are sure that the extensions are fully functional and compliant, you may disable the backward compatible plugin with utmost safety.

Explore How to enable website accessibility enhancements in your Joomla website?

Wrapping up

Joomla 5 documentation is still under process and developers are contributing to complete it soon ( Joomla 5 documentation ). However, some existing tutorials are available, click here to understand how to create a Plugin or Module for Joomla 4, namespaces conventions, using new web asset classes, etc.

Stay ahead of the competition in the fast-paced digital era. We review your website’s core version, assess the latest releases for each extension and add-ons for version compatibility and upgrade your Joomla website. We offer comprehensive Joomla development services including design, development, maintenance, and support. Request a quote or reach out at [email protected].