Voice Navigation Commands

Navigate the website effortlessly with Voice Navigation, enhancing user experience through voice-activated, accessible, and customizable browsing. Voice Navigation is available with 15+ languages.

Show widget
  • Open widget
  • Show all in one accessibility widget
  • Open all in one accessibility widget
"Show Widget" reveals or brings focus to All in One Accessibility widget or tool on the webpage.
Close widgetHide widget "Close Widget" hides or removes the All in One Accessibility from view.
  • Quit
  • Stop
  • Stop voice assistance
"Exit" will disable the voice command mode.
List headingsShow heading "List Headings" provides a quick overview of all the headings on the webpage, helping users navigate through sections.
List landmarkShow landmark "List Landmarks" provides a summary of the main structural regions (landmarks) on a webpage, such as navigation, main content, and footer.
List linkShow links "List Links" displays all the hyperlinks on a webpage, allowing users to quickly access various destinations.
Scroll down
  • Move cursor down
  • Go down
  • Page down
"Scroll Down" moves the webpage content downward, allowing users to view content that is lower on the page.
Scroll up
  • Move cursor up
  • Go up
  • Page up
"Scroll Up" moves the webpage content upward, allowing users to view content that is higher on the page.
Go to topScroll to top"Go to Top" quickly navigates to the very top of the webpage.
Go to bottomScroll to bottom"Go to Bottom" quickly navigates to the very bottom of the webpage.
TabNext "Tab" moves focus to the next interactive element on the webpage, such as a link, button, or form field.
Tab back
  • Previous
  • Back
"Tab Back" moves focus to the previous interactive element on the webpage.
EnterClick "Enter" activates or selects the currently focused element, such as a button, link, or form field.
Reload pageRefresh page "Reload Page" refreshes the current webpage, reloading its content from the server.
Go homeReturn to Home page from any page
Previous pageGo back to the previous page
Zoom inIncrease sizeZoom in on page
Zoom outDecrease sizeZoom out on page
Move left
  • Left
  • Move cursor left
"Move Left" shifts the cursor to the left.
Move right
  • Right
  • Move cursor right
"Move Right" shifts the cursor to the right.
Move up
  • Go up
  • Move cursor up
"Move Up" shifts the cursor to the upward.
Move down
  • Down
  • Move cursor down
"Move Up" shifts the cursor downward.
Move to beginningMoves cursor to beginning of text
Move to endMoves cursor to end of text
Select allSelects all the text
Extend selection to beginning "Extend Selection to Beginning" expands the selected text or area to include content from the start of the current selection to the beginning.
Deselect that "Deselect That" removes the current selection or unselects the highlighted text.
Type <phrase>Types desired phrase into a text field
Clear input
  • Erase
  • Remove
  • Delete
"Clear Input" removes or resets the text or data in the currently focused input field.
Cut thatCut current selection
Copy thatCopy current selection
Paste thatPaste from clipboard
Lowercase thatLowercase current selection
Uppercase thatUppercase current selection
Capitalize thatCapitalize current selection
Replace <phrase> with <phrase> It swaps the first specified phrase with the second one in the current text or area.
Delete selectedRemoves the currently highlighted or selected text.